Communication is a bridge to the world. Language is what brings the world into being—a process of fitting or matching our words to the world, as we know it. It allows us to achieve certain outcomes, to serve our particular interests and concerns, to make sense of the why and how of things, to express…

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Emotional Development and Tantrums

By Barb Grady Children come into this world with the capacity to feel the same emotions that we do as adults. By the end of the first year, children usually have displayed the primary emotions of joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, and surprise. The secondary emotions such as embarrassment, empathy, envy, pride, shame, and guilt…

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Breaking Bad Discipline Habits

By Barb Grady MC, NCC I can help you replace tactics that don’t work with ones that do. Nagging—We all nag and know how fruitless it is. Either your child resorts to fibbing (I did wash my hands! Really!) or he/she learns to tune you out. Try this instead: Use eye contact and state your expectations as…

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Many of my students have had questions about the use of time out. This article is intended to clarify time out and help you to determine if your goal is punishment or education. A time-out is an enforced time alone used as a consequence for unwanted behavior. Many parents and early child educators use time-outs…

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